Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Don't Underestimate It..

When I was in High school, I was engage in playing a bass because I had my first band with my brother but before that, I did realized something important on what I was doing.... At first, bass guitar was just nothing for me. Because my band was lacking a bass player, I was wondering if is it OK for me to play the Bass. So I tried playing it even thou I was not really interested on it and I also think that playing a 4-stringed guitar was boring. But when our first gig was coming, I had a friend that has a talent on music, so he teach me how to play the bass, and as I practice bass guitar every day, I did realized that bass guitars are not to be underestimated even thou it has only 4-strings it is complicated to understand the riffs and the sequential tones of a bass guitar. In that time I was Inspired by my friend's teachings and it also inspired me to play the bass until present.....The moral lesson in this story of mine is that don't underestimate a certain thing without knowing the good causes of this certain material...And also keep doing your best to enhance your skills...(^_^)

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